Better Online Food Ordering: Beyond Transactions to Personal Connections

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The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed how we enjoy our favourite meals. Online food ordering has made it super easy and convenient to get delicious dishes delivered right to our doorsteps with just a few taps on our phones. But this convenience has come at a cost—we’ve lost some of the human connection and personal touch that makes dining so special.

With Cookin, we want to bring back that personal touch and create meaningful experiences for food lovers, even in the online food ordering space. Let’s explore how we can go beyond transactions and build real connections with our customers!

Understanding the beyond-transactional approach

Moving from purely transactional interactions to creating meaningful connections with customers means focusing on building relationships rather than just completing sales. This approach is becoming crucial in the food industry because customers crave experiences that make them feel valued and appreciated. Focusing on experiences rather than just transactions can lead to increased customer loyalty and satisfaction, ultimately boosting your business.

Embracing personalization

Personalization is key to making your customers feel special and valued. By tailoring your offerings to meet their specific needs and preferences, you create a unique and memorable experience that encourages repeat business and fosters loyalty.

Customized menus

Tailor your menus to individual preferences with options for dietary modifications, like gluten-free or vegan dishes. This makes your menu more inclusive and shows you care about unique customer needs.

🔗 Tips for creating a profitable food delivery menu

Customer insights

Use customer information and ordering patterns to personalize orders. With the CRM tool, you can see customer details to enhance personalization, improving satisfaction and helping you tailor offerings to their preferences.

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Special offers

Use BOGO deals and holiday-specific promotions to make customers feel special. Offer personalized discounts based on their preferences to encourage repeat business and build loyalty.

Enhancing the delivery experience

A great delivery experience is like hosting a memorable party. It’s not just about serving food—it’s about delighting your guests and exceeding their expectations. Adding personal touches and ensuring consistency and quality can turn a simple delivery into a memorable event.

Personal touches

Adding personal touches to each delivery can make a big difference. Handwritten notes from Cookin chefs are a unique touch that our customers and chefs love, as handwritten cards are rare these days. Including personalized messages with each order shows customers you value them. Surprise and delight them with small freebies or samples to make their experience memorable. 

Consistency and quality

Ensure every delivery meets high standards. Regularly review and improve delivery processes to maintain quality and exceed customer expectations. Consistency is key to building trust and encouraging repeat business.

Fostering human connections

Building human connections with your customers is like tending a garden. When you prioritize personal interactions, you cultivate a sense of community and loyalty. This emotional bond goes beyond the food, making your customers feel truly valued and appreciated.

New customers

First impressions matter—you only get one chance to wow your new customers! Start with personalized welcome messages to make them feel valued and appreciated. This is your moment to shine and start building a lasting relationship with your brand.

Repeat customers

Building on past interactions can create a sense of familiarity and comfort for repeat customers. Implementing repeat customer rewards can encourage them to keep coming back, fostering loyalty and long-term relationships.

Loyal customers

Providing special treatments and exclusive offers for loyal customers can make them feel valued and appreciated. Recognizing and rewarding loyalty through personalized thank-you notes and VIP deals can strengthen your relationship with them and encourage them to spread the word about your business.

Creating a unique identity

Creating a unique identity makes your business stand out from the crowd. Personalized service and strong relationships form the core of a distinct brand that resonates with customers, ensuring they return again and again.

Personalized service

Cookin’s personalized approach stands out compared to larger, transactional platforms like Uber Eats, which has faced criticism for poor customer service. Better customer satisfaction and stronger relationships can set your business apart from the competition.

Building relationships

Use social media to interact directly with your customers. Share your life or about yourself to show them more about you and your brand, bringing them closer to you. This helps build a strong connection with your audience and demonstrates the importance of personal touches.

Utilizing social media for storytelling

Social media is your direct line to hungry customers. Share your story, showcase your dishes, and spark conversations to turn them into loyal fans. By sharing engaging content and encouraging customer interaction, you can build a loyal community and strengthen your brand’s presence.

Storytelling techniques

Share stories about your business, the team, and customer experiences to create a relatable and engaging brand presence. Use behind-the-scenes content and customer testimonials to build a connection with your audience.

🔗 Social Media Marketing for food businesses (with visuals!)


Encourage customers to share their stories and experiences on social media. Share educational content about your cuisine to engage with your audience.

Leveraging reviews

Customer reviews are the word-of-mouth of the digital age. Just like how people trust recommendations from friends, positive reviews boost your credibility and attract new customers. They show potential customers that others love your food, while constructive feedback helps you improve and grow.

Importance of reviews

Customer reviews are the word-of-mouth of the digital age. Just like how people trust recommendations from friends, positive reviews boost your credibility and attract new customers. They show potential customers that others love your food, while constructive feedback helps you improve and grow.

Get more feedback

Encouraging customers to leave positive reviews through follow-up messages and incentives can help build your online reputation. Responding to reviews effectively shows that you value customer feedback and are committed to improving.

🔗 Bites to Buzz: Transform Your Food Business with Reviews


Moving beyond transactions to create personal connections with your customers is key to building a loyal customer base and standing out in the competitive food industry. By implementing these strategies, you can offer a unique and engaging dining experience that keeps customers coming back.

Cookin makes it easy to start your food business. Get online and start accepting orders.

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