J.R.’s Cookin-Powered Drop

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Meet J.R. Maramo, a talented chef based in Toronto with experience at renowned restaurants, where he received valuable mentorship from some of the city’s most acclaimed culinary experts.

While he remains active in the restaurant scene, J.R. is also focused on creating diverse revenue streams for himself. He began with Maramo Family Catering and his latest venture: limited-time drops through the Cookin platform.

How It All Started

J.R.’s culinary journey began in a rather unassuming way: washing dishes at the JOEY restaurant during his high school years. But J.R.’s love for the kitchen has roots that reach back to his childhood when the Food Network was a constant presence in his home.

Those formative years spent watching and learning from the best in the culinary world laid the groundwork for what would become a vibrant food career.

From Passion to Food Entrepreneur

With a solid foundation in the restaurant industry, launching a catering business felt like a natural progression for J.R.

Maramo Family Catering is deeply rooted in culture and tradition, celebrating family and community through the joy of food. Growing up in a Filipino household, J.R. cherished the frequent family gatherings, which were always centered around the delicious meals prepared by his mother.

The mission of Maramo Family Catering is to evoke that same sense of togetherness. It strives to be more than just a catering service; instead, it aims to create dishes that express the comfort of home, all from a genuinely heartfelt business.

With this vision in mind, J.R. was excited to share his culinary creations with a broader audience in a fun and creative way.

Then he found the Cookin platform.

Limited Time Drops Through Cookin

In the summer of ’24, J.R. launched a limited-time drop through the Cookin platform to strengthen his connection with his Toronto Filipino community through food and test out new recipes.

Cookin-powered Drops allow food creators to experiment with fresh menu ideas without the long-term commitment or high overhead costs typically associated with traditional pop-up restaurants.

Chefs can gauge pre-order demand from their marketing efforts before the drop date, ensuring cost-effectiveness and allowing them to execute the drop from any kitchen they can access, including their home.

Cookin enhanced J.R.’s drop by providing him with an online storefront he shared with his community for pre-ordering.

This streamlined approach enables chefs like J.R. to manage their operations efficiently at every stage of the drop. Additionally, it provides the flexibility to prepare meals from their home kitchens, allowing him to share his passion for home-cooked meals with others.

To create demand for his drop, J.R. used Instagram to share the drop details with his followers. He also took advantage of Cookin’s ‘Notify Your Network’ feature to send SMS messages directly to his customers, which included an ordering link for easy access to the drop.

“I like how I can easily deliver my food inspiration through the Cookin platform—it brings the feeling of my home directly to my customers’ homes,” J.R. shares.

The Community Response

The community’s response to J.R.’s drop was overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the strong support he received while building his clientele across his various business ventures. He set a limited inventory on his Cookin storefront, and once he sold out, the drop was closed, allowing him to maintain full control over the number of meals he committed to cooking for that day’s service.

Benefits of Drops

Executing a limited-time drop can be an effective marketing strategy for food creators. Here are some key benefits:

Cost-Effective Operations

Food creators can assess pre-order demand through their marketing efforts before the drop date. This approach helps ensure cost-effectiveness and allows for efficient management of operations at every stage.

Creates Scarcity and Urgency

Limited-time drops generate a sense of scarcity, encouraging customers to act quickly before the opportunity is gone.

Opportunity to Test New Menu Items

These drops provide an excellent opportunity to experiment with new flavors, recipes, or concepts without the commitment of a permanent menu change. It helps gauge customer interest and preferences.

Sales Boost

A well-executed limited-time offer can lead to a significant increase in sales, particularly when timed with a seasonal event, holiday, or trending topic.

Increased Customer Traffic

Customers are often drawn to stores or websites specifically for limited-time products, which can enhance overall traffic and boost sales for other items.

Advice for Future Drop Chefs

J.R. emphasizes the importance of being organized and prepared for anything as a drop chef. “The meal is just one aspect of the entire experience,” he says, stressing that it’s essential to think through how to effectively execute every stage of the process from start to finish. He believes that “Preparation is the key to success” and regularly applies this principle in his own work.

He recommends creating a detailed grocery list, outlining all the necessary packaging, and drafting a checklist for the day of the drop execution. J.R. underscores that no detail is too small to include. “In the heat of the moment, a well-thought-out process can save you.”


One of the biggest challenges J.R. has faced on his food journey is grappling with imposter syndrome. As a creative chef, he sometimes struggles to trust his skills and fully appreciate his accomplishments, even when he receives praise and positive reviews. He often finds himself wondering, “Do people really want to try my food? Will they enjoy it?”

Cookin has helped him overcome this internal struggle, build faith in himself, and take action. “Committing to a drop date meant I had no choice but to confront my fears,” he reflects. This commitment has served as a catalyst for growth, allowing him to embrace his abilities and build confidence in his culinary talents. With every new experience, J.R. grows more self-assured in himself and his food.

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